Mannheim Master in Management: The Specialization Procurement
The Study Program for starters and creators of added value
Do you enjoy facing challenges in current topics such as digitalization and sustainability? You would like to work in a variety of specialized areas and with partners from all over the world? And at the same time, you would like to know that your work has a relevant influence on corporate strategy and success? Then Procurement is the right place for you – “Everything is strategy and everything is deal”!
Due to the ever more complex and global supply chains and the strategic importance of the supplier base, the procurement has developed into the designer of the external value-added network. With the ongoing digitalization, this process reaches the next level and for mastering these challenges, highly qualified talent with broad technical and methodological expertise is required. Specialize in procurement as part of your Master’s degree and learn everything you need to kick-start your modern, proactive and strategic function.
The Course Offering for a Specialization with focus on Procurement: A Selection *
- Strategic Procurement – Your entry into the world of procurement and the strategic alignment of upstream supply chains (read more)
- Supply Risk Management – Get to know the most important current concepts and tools for a future-oriented risk management of resilient supply chains (read more)
- Strategic Sourcing – Take a close look at sourcing strategies, processes and instruments and learn how to negotiate professionally (read more)
- Research Seminar Procurement – Within the scope of a scientific paper, you will deal intensively with the basics, structures and methods of research in the field of procurement (read more)
- Applied Seminar Procurement – Work together with a partner company in order to apply learned knowledge in the context of a scientific paper (read more)
- Supplement your knowledge with further courses from the Area Operations and profit from a comprehensive insight, (read more).
* The range of courses is constantly being developed. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that courses will be offered every semester.
Our complete, current course offer for the Mannheim Master in Management can be found in the module catalog.
Complement your specialization with a matching elective:
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
Current selection of electives