Newsarchive Business School

Eine Person trägt ein hellblaues Hemd sowie einen schwarzen Blazer und steht vor einem Fenster. Die Person heißt Torsten Biemann.
Professor Torsten Biemann Honoured as “Shaper of the World of Work”
Researcher from Mannheim distinguished by the HR magazine Haufe
ENGAGE.EU has reason to celebrate: Approval of new funding period
Today, the European Commission has communicated continued funding until 2027.
Sustainable Impact Contest of the Business School – Apply now!
For the first time since 2019, the competition for socially or environmentally sustainable projects is back.
Green transparency or data jungle?
Researchers and practitioners discuss ESG and reporting issues at the University of Mannheim Business School
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor June: More than Half of the Companies Implement Environmental and Climate Protection Measures but Financial Targets Dominate in Measuring Success
What do companies do to reach the so-called ESG goals that means environmental, social and governance goals? The latest report of the German Business Panel (GBP) shows a mixed picture: 52 percent of all companies say that they are advocate for environment and climate protection. However, for only 15 ...
Honorary Professorship for Wilhelm Schmundt
Wilhelm Schmundt, Managing Director and Senior Partner of BCG, was awarded the honorary professorship by Dean Lutz in the Fuchs Petrolub-Saal of the University of Mannheim on 7 June, 2023.
Studierende vorm Haupteingang
Launch of the New Honors Program
The School of Business Administration is launching a new “Honors Program” to support outstanding students in the upcoming Fall/Winter 2023/24 semester.
Professor Florian Stahl Supports SWR in Emissions Scandal Survey
Are emission scandal lawsuits becoming a business model? A survey of the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) broadcasting corporation tried to answer this question. Marketing expert Florian Stahl monitored the process from a scientific point of view.
Does Transparency Help to Tackle the Challenges Societies Are Facing Today?
The German Research Foundation extends the funding for the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 “Accounting for Transparency”. The University of Mannheim is one of three universities which applied for funding. As part of the CRC 266, the German Business Panel (GBP), which is based in Mannheim, ...
How does the Arero Fund work?
In a podcast episode of Money-Mindset, Professor Martin Weber talks about the Arero fund, which he helped to develop, and gives investment advices.