Newsarchive Business School

Gruppe an Absolvent*innen in Roben, die ihre Hüte werfen von oben
Off to New Shores: Mannheim's Business School Celebrates Its Graduates
Graduates of the Business Administration and Economic and Business Education programs celebrated their graduation in Mannheim Palace.
Prof. Glenk has short hair and wears a suit and tie.
Harvard Business School Awards Climate Fellowship to Gunther Glenk
Gunther Glenk, Assistant Professor of Business at the University of Mannheim, has been awarded a Climate Fellowship from the Institute for the Study of Business in Global Society (BiGS) at Harvard Business School (HBS). The cohort of six awarded scholars from around the world will work at the ...
Gruppe an Personen auf dem Ehrenhof aufgestellt
Global Innovation Challenge 2023 Links Theory With Practice
For two intense yet great weeks, Mannheim hosted the Global Innovation Challenge 2023 with the Course “Sourcing Excellence & Decision Making” from 2 July to 14 July.
Gruppe an Personen posiert auf dem Marktplatz
MBS Summer School 2023 Successfully Completed
Spending one to three weeks at a top-ranked business school in Germany, working on exciting topics and getting to know people from all over the world? The MBS Summer School offered this and much more from 26 June – 14 July.
AMBA accredits Mannheim for another five years without conditions
The University of Mannheim Business School, together with Mannheim Business School, maintains the so called Triple Crown, meaning the three most important international accreditations, awarded by AACSB, AMBA and EFMD (EQUIS).
Links: Grüner Hintergrund mit Text "Sustainable Impact Contest 2023. MaExchange by Infinity Mannheim e.V." rechts: Gruppenfoto neben einem Aufsteller
MaExchange: Sustainable Project of the Initiative Infinity e.V. wins the Sustainable Impact Contest of the Business School in Mannheim
The project “MaExchange” by the student initiative Infinity Mannheim e.V. has won the Sustainable Impact Contest 2023 of the Business School. The initiative advocates for sustainable solutions and offers exchange students a financially affordable and resource-saving alternative to purchasing ...
GBP Monitor July: Gap between Companies’ Expectations and the Governments’ Tax Policy
Last week, the federal government announced a legislative package that is expected to provide six billion euros in annual relief to companies. The tax rates on company profits are to remain the same. The July report of the German Business Panel (GBP) at the University of Mannheim shows that the ...
Eine Person trägt ein hellblaues Hemd sowie einen schwarzen Blazer und steht vor einem Fenster. Die Person heißt Torsten Biemann.
Professor Torsten Biemann Honoured as “Shaper of the World of Work”
Researcher from Mannheim distinguished by the HR magazine Haufe
ENGAGE.EU has reason to celebrate: Approval of new funding period
Today, the European Commission has communicated continued funding until 2027.
Hand mit Setzling, grüner Kasten mit Text: Sustainable Impact Contest
Sustainable Impact Contest of the Business School – Apply now!
For the first time since 2019, the competition for socially or environmentally sustainable projects is back.