
Newsarchive Business School

Studierende erhalten Uhrkunde von Dekan Lutz
Commitment Award of the Dean's Office of Business Administration presented
For their outstanding cooperation during the Corona crisis, the BWL student committee received the Commitment Award from the Dean's Office of Business Administration.
New partner company: Hilti
Hilti, one of the world's leading construction technology companies, becomes part of the association “Partner der Mannheimer BWL e.V.” and offers students exciting entry-level opportunities.
New Executive Vice President of the University of Mannheim Elected
Dr. Katrin Schoppa-Bauer will take over the office from Barbara Windscheid on 1 January.
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Report: Cost Pressure Increases and Retailers Plan to Raise Prices Even More
Roughly three months after the war in Ukraine broke out, the key business figures of companies in Germany are recovering. This is documented in the June report of the German Business Panel (GBP). However, the continuing cost pressure is a burden on the companies and they are passing along the ...
University of Mannheim Business School Research Prizes Awarded
Stefan Ruenzi and Robert Strohmeyer awarded for research accomplishments
Teaching Award of the BWL Student Committee for Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt
In recognition of excellent teaching and outstanding commitment, Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt received the teaching award of the BWL student committee for the HWS 2021/22 and the FSS 2022.
Universitätstag 2022
Professor Dr. Puhl, President of the University of Mannheim, Talks about the University's Development and Dr. Kurt Bock Is Awarded the Title of Honorary Senator
University of Mannheim Honors Outstanding Teaching Achievements
Four teachers have received the University of Mannheim’s Teaching Award for their excellent teaching achievements.
Students Organize Days of Sustainability at the University of Mannheim
From 6 until 20 May, the University of Mannheim hosts the “Hochschultage Nachhaltigkeit”, a series of events that cover the topic of sustainability. The motto of the events, which mostly take place on campus, is “interdisciplinary sustainability”.
Why hydrogen is already an economical energy source
At peak times, hydrogen can be an economically viable addition to electricity supply – provided that the hydrogen is converted on so-called reversible power-to-gas-storage systems. This is the result of a new study by Mannheim economists Professor Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D., and Professor Dr. ...