Presentation of current research projects at the 2022 POMS conference

For this years POMS online conference (April-21 to April-25), five papers were accepted for presentation:
- “Houston we (will) have a problem: Supplier performance, disruption frequency, and length” (Davide Burkhart & Christoph Bode)
- “Communicating disruptions: An exploratory study of suppliers declaring force majeure” (Davide Burkhart & Christoph Bode)
- “Dealing with uncertainty and adaptivity: Design of an agile procurement process for new product development” (Ruth Schültken, Steffen Kokozinski & Christoph Bode)
- “Artificial intelligence and machine learning in supply management: review, practical application, and future research” (Jan Martin Spreitzenbarth, Christoph Bode & Heiner Stuckenschmidt)
- “How Many Buyers Does it Take to Build a Car?” (Jan Martin Spreitzenbarth, Christoph Bode & Heiner Stuckenschmidt)