
SAP 1BnLives

We offer space for our students to participate in a 1-day „Idea Factory“ in which SAP employees generate ideas and build teams.

SAP’s Social Intrapreneurship Program – is about unleashing the creativity of every SAP employee to generate positive social impact by leveraging SAP’s assets. In these times of crisis, we need such creativity more than ever.

Would you like to be a part of this as a student? We offer space for our students to participate in a 1-day „Idea Factory“ in which SAP employees generate ideas and build teams. Given the current situation, the workshops will take place digitally.

If you find a team in which you would like to participate further, SAP 1BnLives offers a follow-up internship (approx. 5 hours per week) in wich you support one of the teams during their idea development process. You will receive a certificate, insights into SAP, as well as opportunities for networking with SAP employees.

Would you like to apply? Just send an email with a short (max. 300 words) statement of motivation to until this Friday.

Possible dates: 1./2./6./7./8.4.2020 (please indicate your availability in your email application).
