Students on bench in front of castle, lettering: Mannheim Master in Management: the flexible option

Mannheim Master in Management: the flexible option

You want to profit from a broad selection of courses during your master’s studies and take a look into different fields of research? You don’t want to limit yourself by specializing right from the start of your studies? The Mannheim Master in Management offers – besides numerous possibilities to specialize – the option to design your Master’s studies in a more generalist approach. Each semester you decide anew, which courses from which areas you want to take. You are free to still select a major field of study at a later point in time.

You can attend courses from the following six Areas:

You can find the complete and current course offer* for the Mannheim Master in Management in the module catalog

* Please note that some courses build upon other courses. 

Complement your Master's Program with an Elective

Your course of study gets even more flexible if you incorporate an elective into your management studies, e.g. mathematics, politics or romance studies. Gain an overview of our offer here.