It's conference season: Our research at AOM 2022 and CSCMP-ARS 2022

For this year's Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (August-5 to August-9) in Seattle, WA, three of our current research papers were accepted for presentation:
- “Artificial intelligence/
Machine Learning in Supply Management: Review, Application, Future Research” (Jan Martin Spreitzenbarth, Heiner Stuckenschmidt & Christoph Bode) - “Dealing with Uncertainty and Adaptivity: Design of an Agile Procurement Process for New Product Development” (Ruth Schültken, Steffen Kokozinski & Christoph Bode)
- “Transparency in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The What and When of Sensitive Information Exchanges” (Davide Burkhart & Christoph Bode) (ISM Best Paper Award Finalist)
In addition, Davide Burkhart, Ruth Schültken, and Jan Martin Spreitzenbarth were accepted for the AoM OSCM Doctoral Consortium to further their research and build their professional network with peers and senior faculty.
For the upcoming CSCMP Academic Research Symposium (ARS) (September-17/18) in Nashville, TN, organized by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), our submission:
- “Mind the Gap: An Initial Empirical Analysis of the Intention-Action Gap in Corporate Sustainability” (Ruth Schültken, Christoph Bode & Matthias Schlipf)
was accepted for presentation.
If you are interested in our current research, please contact us!