New Publication in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Congratulations to Dr. Aline Lanzrath, Prof. Christian Homburg and Prof. Robin-Christopher Ruhnau!

Congratulations to Dr. Aline Lanzrath, Prof. Christian Homburg and Prof. Robin-ChristopherRuhnau, whose paper on “Women’s underrepresentation in business-to-business sales: Reasons, contingencies, and solutions” was recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (five year impact factor of 18.5, member of Financial Times FT50, VHB A), one of the most important journals for marketing research.
Across industries, B2B sales remains one of the most male-dominated functions in companies. Although statistics on sales quotas clearly show the social and economic benefits of greater gender diversity in sales, stakeholders are still struggling to increase the proportion of women in their sales teams.
By using an inductive approach, their research provides guidance on how labor market communications and talent programs can be better tailored to the needs of female talent to ultimately help women consider B2B sales as their career of choice. In addition, they provide insight into which B2B sales roles are most likely to present barriers for women and how job structures, such as incentive schemes, can be redesigned to support the advancement of women into sales leadership positions. 

Read additional information & the full article here:
