IMU Research Insight 084: When does sales system agility lead to increased business value?

Research in diverse disciplines is revealing initial insights into the potential of organizational agility. In the face of advancing digitalization and global events such as the Corona pandemic, companies are forced to regularly review their distribution systems in order to quickly adapt them to new market conditions. Accordingly, distribution system agility could also be of organizational benefit. However, experiences from corporate practice as well as findings from existing literature show that adjustments in the sales system often meet resistance from sales partners. For this reason, the actual success impact of distribution system agility remains uncertain.
Based on a quantitative online survey of manufacturers in conjunction with data from their distribution partners, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg, Robin Wagner-Fabisch and Arnd Vomberg investigate the success potentials behind the hitherto unexplored phenomenon of distribution system agility.
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