Designing Marketing Research Projects
MKT 901 für Doktoranden
Verantwortlicher Dozent | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg |
Veranstaltungsart | Seminar |
Leistungspunkte | 6 ECTS |
Semesterwochenstunden | 5 Stunden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Prüfungsform und -umfang | Präsentation (60%) und aktive Teilnahme (40%) |
Prüfungstermin | 13.05.2024 / 14.05.2024 |

Course Structure
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg First Session 05.03.2024 Schedule
Day Date Time Room Tuesday 05.03.2024 09.00 a.m.-01.00 p.m. Roche Forum, L5, 1 (ground floor) Monday 13.05.2024 09.00 a.m.-01.00 p.m. Roche Forum, L5, 1 (ground floor) Tuesday 14.05.2024 09.00 a.m.-01.00 p.m. Roche Forum, L5, 1 (ground floor)
Further Information
Brief Description
In this course, students will develop their own marketing research projects (e.g., as parts of their own dissertation projects). In presentation sessions, students will present their research project to all participants of the class and to the instructor. Discussions among participants as well as the instructor’s feedback aim at strengthening and refining the positioning and the contribution of the individual projects. Students in the first year of their doctoral studies can thus use this course to get important insights for the preparation and refinement of their dissertation proposal.
Learning outcomes:
- development of own marketing research project
- presentation of own marketing research project
- providing feedback on marketing research projects
This course aims at preparing students to formulate their own marketing research problems (e.g., as parts of their dissertation projects), to shape their contribution with respect to the existing literature, and to identify the necessary data and methods to conduct their research projects. As benchmark for the students’ research projects, the actual standards with respect to innovativeness, relevance, and rigor of the leading international marketing journals will be applied. Furthermore, implications for practice have to be considered.
Project presentation
At the beginning of the course, objectives, general guidelines, and best practices for developing impactful research projects will be provided in a kick-off meeting. Furthermore, best practices how to get published in leading journals will be discussed. Then, students will start developing their projects. Students are not limited with respect to the choice of their individual research topic; however, it is made in accordance with the instructor.
Students will prepare the project by developing a presentation containing the positioning and research questions, a brief literature review, the theoretical foundations and research hypotheses, as well as an outlook on potential methodological approaches (such as obtaining and analyzing adequate data). Students will present their research projects. Based on the course participants’ and the instructor’s feedback, students can update and refine their research projects.