Research focuses of the Business School

Our faculty significantly shapes business research on a national as well as on an international level. Its results are pioneering, contemporary and cover a broad spectrum of the research field.

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  • Accounting and Taxation

    Prof. Jannis Bischof

    Prof. Jannis Bischof

    Chair of Business Administration and Accounting

    • Financial Reporting and Disclosure
    • Accounting for Financial Instruments
    • Fair Value Accounting
    • Bank Accounting
    • Bank Regulation
    • Securities Regulation
    • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
    • German GAAP
    • Financial Statement Analysis
    • Auditing
    • Management behavior in corporate reporting
    Prof. Dr. Holger Daske

    Prof. Dr. Holger Daske

    Chair of Accounting and Capital Markets

    • Financial Reporting and Disclosure
    • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
    • U.S. GAAP
    • Standard Setting
    • Capital Market Communication
    • Investor Relations and Corporate Valuation
    • Financial Statement Analysis
    • Financial Analysis
    • Accounting of Financial Institutions
    Prof. Dr. Philipp Dörrenberg

    Prof. Dr. Philipp Dörrenberg

    Chair of Business Administration and Taxation

    • Behavioral Effects of Taxes
    • Tax Effects on Financial Markets
    • Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud
    • Behavioral Economic Aspects of Taxation
    Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.

    Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.

    Endowed Chair in Business Administration

    • Cost and Profitability Analysis
    • Decentralization
    • Internal Pricing
    • Performance Measurement
    Prof. Dr. Davud Rostam-Afschar

    Prof. Dr. Davud Rostam-Afschar

    Prof. Dr. Dirk Simons

    Prof. Dr. Dirk Simons

    Chair of Accounting

    • International Accounting
    • Theory of Accounting and Auditing
    • Corporate Disclosure
    • New Institutional Economics
    Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel

    Chair of Business Administration and International Taxation (Taxation II)

    • International Taxation and Tax Planning
    • Tax Accounting
    • Harmonization of Company Taxation in Europe
    • Measurement of Effective Tax Burdens
    • Taxation and Innovation
    • Taxation in the Digital Economy
    Prof. Dr. Johannes Voget

    Prof. Dr. Johannes Voget

    Chair of Taxation and Finance

    • Corporate Finance
    • International Taxation
    • Financial Science
    • Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Applied Econometrics
    Prof. Dr. Jens Wüstemann

    Prof. Dr. Jens Wüstemann

    Chair of Accounting and Auditing

    • Financial Accounting
    • Normative Accounting Research
    • Institutional Economics
    • Behavioral Law and Economics
    • Business Valuation
    • Corporate Governance and Auditing
    Prof. Dr. Felix Fritsch

    Prof. Dr. Felix Fritsch

    Assistant Professorship in Accounting & Taxation

    • Controlling
    • Performance Measuring and Forecasting
    • Disclosure and Transparency
    • Data Analytics & Machine Learning
    • ESG and Climate Change
    Prof. Dr. Gunther Glenk

    Prof. Dr. Gunther Glenk

    Assistant Professor at the Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies

    • Cost and Profitability Analysis
    • Economics of Decarbonization
    • Carbon Accounting
  • Economic and Business Education

    Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea

    Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea

    Chair of Economic and Business Education – Instructional Systems Design and Evaluation

    • Financial and Economic Literacy Education for the 21st Century
    • Connectivity of Vocational Learning and Teaching in the Era of Digital Transformation
    • Resilience in Learning and Professional Contexts
    • Curriculum and Lesson Development in Business and Economics Education
    • Design Thinking in Business and Economics Education
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dirk Ifenthaler

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dirk Ifenthaler

    Chair of Economic and Business Education, Learning, Design and Technology

    • Digital Technologies for Schools
    • Learning Analytics
    • Organizational Learning
    • First-year Students
    • Game-based Learning
    • Change Management
    • Technology Integration
    • Automated Assessment and Feedback
    • Adaptive and Personalized Learning
    • School Development
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch

    Chair of Economic and Business Education – Workplace Learning

    • Learning at the Workplace
    • Evaluation of Professional Competences
    • Process analysis of domain-specific problem solving and learning
    • Quality of Education and Training
    • Evaluation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and further education
    • Simulation-based training
    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried

    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried

    Chair of Economic and Business Education – Professional Teaching and Learning

    • Teacher Education Research
    • Development and Measurement of Economic Competence
    • Workplace Learning
  • Finance

    Prof. Dr. Tabea Bucher-Koenen

    Prof. Dr. Tabea Bucher-Koenen

    Chair of Business Administration, Financial Systems and Development Finance

    • Household Finance
    • Economic consequences of demographic change
    • Private and public pension systems
    • Impact of long-term financial decisions
    Prof. Ernst Maug, Ph.D.

    Prof. Ernst Maug, Ph.D.

    Chair of Corporate Finance

    • Corporate Governance
    • Executive Compensation
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Shareholder Voting and Board Structures
    • Behavioral Finance
    • Corporate Bankruptcy
    • Corporate Finance
    Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi

    Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi

    Chair of Corporate Governance

    • Gender Differences on Capital Markets
    • Corporate Governance
    • Behavioral Finance
    • Corporate Finance
    • Asset Management
    • Empirical Banking
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Ruenzi

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Ruenzi

    Chair of International Finance

    • Asset Management
    • Mutual Funds
    • Hedge Funds
    • Empirical Asset Pricing
    • Advertising & Capital Markets
    • Media & Capital Markets
    • Ethical Investing
    • Gender and Finance
    • Textual Analysis
    • Diversity & Team Management
    • Liquidity
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Experimental Finance
    • Financial Analysts
    Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt

    Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt

    Chair of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions

    • Behavioral Finance
    • Corporate Governance
    • Financial Market Institutions
    Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen

    Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen

    Chair of Finance

    • Empirical Research in Financial Markets
    • Market Microstructure
    • Corporate Finance
    • Corporate Governance
    • Blockchain applications and crypto currencies
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Martin Weber

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Martin Weber

    Chair of Senior Professor Weber

    • Banking
    • Empirical Research on Capital Markets
    • Experimental Economics
    • Decision Theory
    • Behavioral Finance
    • Market Efficiency
    • Household Finance
    Prof. Dr. Simon Rother

    Prof. Dr. Simon Rother

    Assistant Professor of Finance

    • Financial intermediation
    • Financial stability
    • Financial institutions
  • Information Systems

    Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl

    Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl

    Chair of General Management and Information Systems

    • Information Systems Outsourcing, Governance and Cloud Computing
    • Digital Innovation (Platform Ecosystems, Agile Methodologies, and Conversational Agents)
    • Human-Computer-Interfaces and Anthropomorphism
    • Information Systems in Healthcare (Mobile Health Applications, AI-driven Decision Automation and Augmentation)
    • Platform Ecosystems
    • Agile Software Development and Multi-Team Coordination
    • Digitalization
    • Block Chain
    • Open Source Communities
    • Human Information Behavior (Technology Use and Adoption, Social Identity and User Resistance)
    Prof. Dr. Hartmut Höhle

    Prof. Dr. Hartmut Höhle

    Chair of Enterprise Systems

    • Design, Implementation und Use of Enterprise Systems
    • Management of Enterprise Systems Security
    • Information Systems Outsourcing and Governance
    • Agile Software Development and Multi-Team Coordination
    • Human Information Behavior
    • Information Systems in Healthcare
    • Platform Ecosystems
    Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier

    Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier

    Chair of Data Science in the Economic and Social Sciences

    • Computational Social Science
    • Social and Economic Data Science
    • Network Science
    • Text Mining
    Prof. Dr. Kevin Bauer

    Prof. Dr. Kevin Bauer

    Assistant Professorship of E-Business and E-Government

    • Human-Machine Interaction
    • Human-centered Machine Learning
    • eXplainable AI
    • Applied Machine Learning
    Prof. Dr. Jana-Rebecca Rehse

    Prof. Dr. Jana-Rebecca Rehse

    Assistant Professor for Management Analytics

    • Applications of artificial intelligence in business process management
    • Process mining & Process analytics
    • Machine Learning for process prediction
    • Domain-specific process assistance systems
    • Process automation
  • Management

    Prof. Dr. Torsten Biemann

    Prof. Dr. Torsten Biemann

    Chair of Business Administration, Human Resource Management and Leadership

    • International Human Resource Management
    • Dynamics of human resource management systems
    • Leadership and leadership success
    • Careers and career patterns
    • Effectiveness of HR practices
    • Team processes and team performance
    • Methods of management research
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Brauer

    Prof. Dr. Matthias Brauer

    Chair of Strategic and International Management

    • Corporate Governance and Compliance: Responsibly Managing Business Groups
    • Strategic Corporate Transformation and Restructuring (i.e. M&A, Divestitures)
    • Managing Growth
    • Effectiveness of Management “Tools” and Practices in Strategy Formulation and Implementation
    • Strategic Decision-Making
    Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig

    Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig

    Chair of Business Administration, Public & Nonprofit Management

    • Societal Oriented Service Management in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
    Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl

    Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl

    Chair of Organization and Innovation

    • Creativity and inventiveness (e.g., Organizational learning and creativity)
    • Knowledge management (e.g., knowledge acquisition and knowledge recombination, open innovation)
    • Labor Market Mobility
    • Intellectual property strategies
    • IP strategy (e.g., protection and commercialization of innovations)
    • Teams
    • Management and sociology of science
    • Entrepreneurial finance
    • Innovation under Extreme Conditions
    • Women in STEM
    Prof. Dr. Michael Woywode

    Prof. Dr. Michael Woywode

    Chair of SME Research and Entrepreneurship

    • Entrepreneurship
    • Family Business Research
    • Industry Life Cycles
    • Organizational Design
    • Digitization
    • New Self-Employment
    Prof. Dr. Marc Lerchenmüller

    Prof. Dr. Marc Lerchenmüller

    Assistant Professorship of Technological Innovation & Management Science

    • Economics of innovation
    • Technology and innovation management
    • Science policy and translational science
    Prof. Dr. Max Reinwald

    Prof. Dr. Max Reinwald

    Assistant Professor in Management

    • Responsible Leadership
    • Diversity in Organizations
    • Teamwork and Collaboration
    • Change Management
    Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk

    Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk

    Assistant Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

    • Sharing Economy and Platform Economy
    • Sustainable Entrepreneurship, sustainable organizational forms
    • Emergence and diffusion of management concepts and organizational forms
    • Organizatoin theories, in particular neo-institutional theory
  • Marketing and Sales

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Christian Homburg

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Christian Homburg

    Chair of Business-to-Business Marketing, Sales & Pricing

    • Market-oriented Management
    • Customer Relations Management
    • Distribution Management
    • Price Management
    • International Marketing
    • Product and Innovation Management
    • Innovation and Technology Marketing
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Consumer Behavior
    Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus

    Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus

    Dr. Werner Jackstädt Endowed Chair of Sales & Services Marketing

    • Distribution Management
    • Service Marketing
    • Direct Distribution
    • Distribution of Solutions
    • Hybrid Combinations of Products and Services
    • Personal Sales
    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester

    Chair of Marketing & Innovation

    • Marketing of Innovations
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Marketing Management
    • International Marketing
    • Digital Marketing
    Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl

    Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl

    Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics

    • Advertising and Sales Promotion
    • Big Data Analytics
    • Brand Appearance and Brand Management
    • Consumer Behavior
    • Consumer Choice Models and Demand Estimation
    • Consumer Psychology of Product Consumption and Usage
    • Customer Management – Understanding the Impact of Marketing and Branding on Customer Acquisition and Customer Loyalty
    • Digital Marketing and Digital Business Models
    • Pricing and Price Strategies for Digital Products and Digital Services
    • Social Listening
    • Social Media Communications
    • Social Networks in Marketing
    Prof. Dr. Arnd Vomberg

    Prof. Dr. Arnd Vomberg

    Chair of Digital Marketing and Marketing Transformation

    • Omnichannel strategies
    • Online pricing
    • Marketing automation
    • Agile transformation
    • Marketing-technology
    • Governance instruments
    • Brand management
    • Marketing-HRM interface
    • Socially responsible Marketing concept
  • Operations Management

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode

    Endowed Chair of Procurement

    • Customer-Supplier-Relations
    • Innovation in Inter-Company Networks
    • Procurement and Distribution Management
    • Risks and disruptions in the Value Chain
    • Sustainability
    • Strategies and performance
    Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann

    Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann

    Chair of Supply Chain Management

    • Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management
    • Revenue Management and Demand Fulfillment
    • E-Fulfillment and Omni-Channel Distribution
    • Closed-Loop Logistics and Sustainability in Logistics
    • Incentive Conflicts und New Product Development, R&D and Innovation Management
    Prof. Martin Glanzer, Ph.D.

    Prof. Martin Glanzer, Ph.D.

    Assitant Professorship in Operations Management

    • Risk-averse Stochastic Optimization
    • Distributionally Robust Optimization
    • Revenue Management
    • Sustainable Operations Management
    Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schön

    Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schön

    Chair of Service Operations Management

    • Integrative Optimization Approaches for Service Design
    • Quantitative Decision-Making Support in Service Operations Management
    • Optimization Approaches for Product Line Design
    • Revenue Management: Capacity Control & Dynamic Pricing, Stochastic Dynamic Models, Assortment Optimization
    • Sustainable Value Adding (e.g. Servicizing) & Green Product/Operations Design
    Prof. Dr. Raik Stolletz

    Prof. Dr. Raik Stolletz

    Chair of Production Management

    • Quantitative Decision-Making Support
    • Methods in Operations Research
    • Analysis of Time-Dependend Queue Systems
    • Performance Analysis and Optimization of Dynamic Stochastic Systems
    • Design of Lean Production Systems
    • HR Planning
    • Planning of Production Processes
    • Fields of Application: Automotive Production, Distribution Centers, Call Centers, Airports
    Prof. Dr. Eunji Lee

    Prof. Dr. Eunji Lee

    Assistant Professor in Supply Chain Management

    • Information Sharing
    • Asymmetric Information
    • Game Theory
    • Pricing
    • Inventory Management
    • Stochastic Optimization